Getting older makes a cruise ship vacation a more appealing product. That maxim is most certainly the case when you take a quick glance at a cruise ship’s clientele. Aside from a cruise having the perception of being pricey, it’s worth wondering what other factors allow the industry to do well with older folks but not so well with younger ones. I have a hunch why, but it comes purely from my own experiences.
Based on my past travel habits, cruising falls outside of my travel preferences. Take away the appeals of travel like planning the trip, immersing myself into the local culture, and experiencing unexpected delights and there’s not a whole lot left. Where’s the fun in sitting on a giant floating hotel with all the amenities you could ever need? How can you experience a destination when you’re only in port for less than half a day before sailing onward? And can you really take in the local culture when everything is handed to you in a sanitized package?
The answers to those above questions are: 1) I’m burned out from work and need a span of time to be completely lazy, 2) a single activity that I’ve booked at the port is enough to enjoy the time spent there, and 3) absorbing the local culture isn’t too high a priority. Read More