As I mentioned in my last post detailing my entrepreneurial activities, from Friday night to Sunday afternoon just this last weekend, I took part in the USC Startup Weekend.
In the time span of 54 hours, we got the opportunity to pitch ideas, select a project to work on, and make a workable prototype. I ended up working with fellow MBAs Alfred Chung and Warren Wong on Alfred’s idea for Site Unseen, a mobile app that dynamically generates walking tours based on the user’s preferences and interests. The app also has an augmented reality component that helps tourists get their bearings in the event that they get lost.
After all that intense coding and customer/business validation, we were set to present our business plan as well as provide audiences with a demo of our product, all of which can be seen below:
After much nail-biting and nervousness, we won! The prize includes the opportunity to meet with angel investors and startup lawyers, possibly, some webserver space and some credits for use with other web resources, and lastly, a trip to Disneyland.
The last prize isn’t as compelling as the others, but the fact that the idea received favorable support and validation from the judges means that it’s an idea worth pursuing and I hope our fearless leader goes forward with this. For now, you can follow Site Unseen via Twitter. And if you wanted a broad overview of the USC Startup Weekend, you can read the report on the USC home page.
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